Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Have you ever wondered why every time you peel or cut an onion your eyes cry??
My Theory?
We are the Onions and God is the peeler/cutter...
With each layer that is peeled away from us our tears spring out and God gets closer to our heart...
every layer that is peeled away from us is rotten by our lives choices/actions.
Which is why every single time God peels away a layer it hurts and causes us to cry.
We as humans hold on to this life as if it were the only thing keeping us alive.
Im guilty of that myself!
I wont lie because its pointless.With every layer removed it is one step closer to GOD!
One level higher and One day more to LIVE!
Im not perfect nor am i even near it nor will i ever be and nor do i want to be either.
But i do one day want to be free..
Free of myself.....
And as God continues to peel away my layers and as my tears continue to fall from my eyes as it continues to hurt inside...
I will let him be even if my flesh is reluctant to do so...
Because i can not do this without him.
I may not have the best track record with him but i know im not the only one struggling in life and with my flesh.
I battle with my flesh on a daily basis and it gets exhausting battling a battle I do not know how to fight on my own.
I hope to one day get to that place where i no longer have to fight.
but right now i admit that my life is mess a total wreck.
And even though i know what to do and choose not to do will one day catch up to me i just hope its not to late and Gods mercy is still extended towards me.
To end this piece im leaving you the reader a sample of the book named
A book written for young ladies who struggle with insecurities and identity in Christ!
" O my Beloved, I have nothing to bargain with.
I have nothing to offer you. There is nothing good within me that could attract your attention. There is nothing i can do or say that would motivate you to come.
I am at your mercy. I surrender! I surrender to your perfect will."

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