Today marks 1 year since my mother passed away, and it brings this immense sorrow in my heart just remeniscing that awful January morning.
When i close my eyes all i can picture is her face with no life as she laid in her hospital bed at home already dead... Her countenance looked as if she was worried about something or even us.
Although she was dark skinded her skin was very pale white that morning, her skin was cold, her feet were purple and our hearts died with her also.
Surprisingly i couldnt cry at the moment it didnt want to register in my head that she was actually gone and since my sister was weeping uncontrollably by my mothers side my first reaction was to try and comfort her.
I didnt have a clue of what to do i guess you can say that i was in shock.
I didnt know what else to do so i called the Hospice people to come and get my mother so that they can prepare her body for the funeral, but before i called anyone i called my best friend Mayra who was in my house like 7 minutes after me calling her to let her know what had happend ( Shes an amazing best friend btw )
after all the phone calls i had made some family and friends showed up that morning to support our family.
Feeling completely numb to everything and everyone i felt God kept me through it all. even though i was nervous, cold & numb i was still sane thanks to him.
I would often wonder how people would stay so strong when someone so close as a mother or father would pass away but now i understand that the strength is given at the precise moment when it is mostly needed.
I felt as if i was in a bubble where the madness was around me but because i was being covered by his strength i felt nothing...
I know this may not make any sense to whoever is reading this but when your time comes to experience pain the way i did you will know what im talking about.
Today i rememeber my mother as a very compassionate, strong giving woman, someone who was always there in the time of need and trouble happy or sad... I dont just say this because she was my mother but because its the Honest to God truth!
She was extremely loved by many and although she didnt leave me valuable expensive material things nor money i believe that her inheritance to me was the love she experienced herself.
Im not boasting or being conceited about anything but because of Gods infinite favor i am highly loved genuinely as she was.... That inhertance is more valuable than any material thing or money to me.
She remained so strong to the very end and died in such a great way which was
#1 in Christ and
#2 in her sleep...
I say this all the time and i will never get tired of repeating it over and over because its the truth.
I couldnt have asked for a more perfect mother... and today both she and I can rest secure that we will see one another again... ( John 16:22 )
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